To Blow a Fuse


Context #1 – Two people are discussing about a broken

Bodhi: Hey bro, why didn’t you tell me that you borrowed my surf board?
Johnny: Dude, because I knew you would blow a fuse.
Bodhi: Really? I’ve never treated you bad man. 
Johnny: Yeah, but last time Tyler dropped your board you really blew a fuse.
Bodhi: That’s because she had lost my board previously.  I didn’t want her touching my property anymore.

Context #2 – Leroy is trying to explain to his younger brother why he should remain calm in all situations

Leroy: Richie, it is important that you don’t blow a fuseso easily and contain yourself.
Richie: Those guys threw me into the trash can after bullying me.  How can I not blow a fuse?
Leroy: You should spend some time meditating to help you relax.  That was an isolated incident.
Richie: Oh really?  I just saw those same guys bothering your girlfriend at her job.
Leroy: What did you say?
Richie:  Whoa, whoa! Relax, don’t blow a fuse

Meaning: to blow a fuse means to get very angry or to lose one’s temper to the point you lose control.  In the first situation, Johnny was worried that Bodhi would be very upset if he told him he used his surfboard.  Johnny didn’t want Bodhy losing his temper because he noticed a similar situation in the past where Bodhi did blow a fuse.  In the second situation, Leroy was trying to convince his brother Richie not to become upset so easily.  However, upon hearing that Leroy’s girlfriend was also bullied, Richie reminded Leroy of his own advice; not to blow a fuse.