friends in high places

Idiom:friends in high places (used as a noun)

First Example:
Sandra: Did you hear that Ben got the promotion?
Donald: No way! I thought for sure you'd get it!
Sandra: Well, I don't have as many friends in high places.
Donald: What do you mean?
Sandra: Well, he has a few friends in upper management. Something tells me that helped him more than his qualifications...

Meaning: The expression "friends in high places" means to know people in important positions who can help and support you.  In the example above, Sandra claims that Ben has friends in upper management positions, and that these friends in high places are what helped him get the promotion.

Second Example:
Ally: Want to go to a big movie premiere tonight?
Cameron: Sure, but how are we going to get in?
Ally: Let's just say that I've got a few friends in high places.
Cameron: Like who?
Ally: That's not your concern. 
Cameron: But seriously, who?
Ally: OK, fine. I used to babysit the producer of the film. His mom and my mom are friends, so when I heard he was making this movie, my mom called his mom, and she made him give me two tickets. Anyway, do you want to go with me? 
Cameron: Sure! Do you have any embarrassing stories you can share about him?

Meaning: In the second example, Ally doesn't actually have a friend in a traditional position of power; rather, her mother knows the film's producer's mother. Often, the expression "friends in high places" is used like this, in order to suggest a person knows someone important but wants to keep the identity of that person secret. 

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