To Put Out

Idiom: “to put out”

Meaning:  To stop from burning; to publish; to inconvenience

Example #1:
Jenny: Hey, Johnny! No smoking is allowed in this building. You need to put out your cigarette now!
Johnny: It’s OK. No one will know. I’ll just blow the smoke out the window.
Jenny: Are you serious? The fire alarm might even go off any minute!
Johnny: Oh, all right. I’ll put it out.

Example #2:
Sarah: I’m so excited! My sister just put out a new crime novel!
Jacob: Wow! That’s great. What’s her name?
Sarah: Tammy J. Janison.
Jacob: Hmmm, I haven’t heard of her. Has she put out any other novels?
Sarah: Yes, she has already put out two novels in the past four years. I can’t wait to read her new one.

Example #3:
Sam: Megan, thank you so much for letting me and my family stay at your house last weekend. When the electricity went out at my house, I really didn’t know what to do.
Megan: No problem.
Sam: Well, I hope I didn’t put you out too much. My three-year old is really active and is always playing!
Megan: Well, since we don’t have any kids, it was fun having your family around. You didn’t put us out at all.

Meaning: In example #1 “to put out” means to stop something from burning. In this example, Johnny needs to put out his cigarette. In example #2, “to put out” means to publish a book. In this example, Sarah’s sister has put out a crime novel. In example #3, “to put out” means to inconvenience someone or trouble them in some way. In this example, Sam’s family stayed with Megan over the weekend because Sam’s electricity went out. Sam has a small child and he is worried that he put Megan out or inconvenienced her. This idiom can be found in Speaking Horizons, which is used in level 6 Listening/Speaking class. For more information, please visit: