Hot potato
Context #1 Two friends discussing personal problems Jon : What’s up Aaron? What did you want to talk about? Aaron : I’m going to trav...

A penny for your thoughts
Context #1 Friends making a decision about where to take a trip Natalie : I was thinking about the restaurants we should visit while in S...

Snowed In
Context #1 A college student is talking to his dad on the phone Tommy: Hello, Dad? Dad: Tommy! It’s so good to hear from you! We heard t...

Christmas Comes But Once A Year
Context #1 Mother and Daughter are talking about her old toys Melissa: Mommy, why are you wrapping those baby to...

Wish Upon a Star
Context #1 Mother and 4-year-old son are talking Mom: Did you like the movie, Pinocchio ? Johnny: Yes, I did. I especially like Jiminy C...

Pull Christmas Crackers
Context #1 Family sitting down for Christmas dinner Dad: OK everyone. Let’s sit down to eat Christmas dinner! Jason: Dad, can we pull th...

To look on the bright side
Context #1: Amy: We need to save money. Brian: Why do we need to save money? Amy: Because we need to buy a house. Brian: But a house is ...