Afraid of One's Own Shadow

Afraid of One's Own Shadow

Example 1:  Mark: Are you OK, Sandra? You look worried about something. Sandra: Oh, hey Mark. I didn't see you there. I've been a li...
Scare the Daylights Out of Someone

Scare the Daylights Out of Someone

Example 1: Jill: Hey Bill, did I tell you the story about the racoon? Bill: No, but it sounds interesting! What happened? Jill: Well, last w...
to study one’s brains out

to study one’s brains out

Idiom: to study one’s brains out Context #1: Jim:  How did you do on the grammar test? Sam: I got 100%.  I studied my brains out for that t...


Example 1: Jenny: I won a $2,000 shopping spree at TNA! I'm heading there right now, want to come? Vanessa: Hell, yeah! Let's go!!...


Meaning: a difficult, strange or unusual situation (This idiom comes from baseball. The person responsible for throwing the ball towards the...
In the boonies

In the boonies

Idiom:  In the boonies Meaning:  very rural area; far away from large populations or urban areas Context #1 – New Job, New Location Kevin:  ...
To be light years ahead of

To be light years ahead of

Idiom:  To be light years ahead of Meaning: A long way ahead of someone or something in terms of development or success Context #1 – Becki ...
Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge

Idiom:  Cutting Edge Meaning: The most modern  or advanced point  of something, at the forefront, newest, up-to-date, the leading or most im...