Put Someone Up

Put Someone Up

Idiom:  Put someone up Example 1: Vanessa: So what are your plans for the summer break? We have three months before school starts again! Bra...
Head For

Head For

Idiom:  Head for Example 1: Vicki: I can’t believe it's almost time for Summer Break. I’m so excited. Bjorn: Me, too! Vicki: Do you have...
Old Enough To Be Your Mother/Father

Old Enough To Be Your Mother/Father

Idiom : Old enough to be your mother/father Example 1 : Jane met a guy who seemed like a perfect match on her favorite internet dating site...
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

Idiom:   The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Example 1: The little boy saw his dad taking a nap, so he asked his mom if he could t...
Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Idiom : Barking Up The Wrong Tree Example 1 :  Lisa: Did you see that new guy in class? He is SO cute!! Tina: Oh, you mean James? Yes, he is...
Let Nature Take Its Course

Let Nature Take Its Course

Idiom : Let Nature Take Its Course Example 1:   My daughter Isabella is 17 years old. She just graduated from high school and I am worried a...
Tempest in a Teapot

Tempest in a Teapot

Idiom : Tempest in a Teapot Example 1 : Small cultural differences can sometimes create big problems! My roommate is from another country, s...
Rain or Shine

Rain or Shine

Idiom : Rain or Shine Example 1 : I have been training for the Los Angeles Marathon for 6 months and the race is coming up in a couple of we...