to grill someone
Idiom: to grill someone ; used as a verb First Example: Theresa was really grilling Harry on their first date. She was sure asking him all ...

Camp Out
Idiom: Camp out First Example: Lenny: What are you and your family doing this weekend? Nancy: We’re going to Pismo beach. We’re still co...

Happy Camper
Idiom: Happy Camper; used as a noun First Example: Pete: Hey Chip, what’s going on? You seem to be incredibly unhappy. Chip: Every time ...

To let someone down
Idiom: T o let someone down ; used as a verb First Example: Jeffrey was sure he could make the goal, so he asked Thomas to kick him the ba...

To kick (something) around
Idiom: To kick (something) around; used as a verb First Example: Dawn : How is the screenplay that you're writing with Janet? Jeff : Tr...

A face only a mother could love
Idiom: A face only a mother could love Read the text messages between these two friends and try to guess the meaning of the idiom: A FACE ...

Like mother, like daughter
Idiom: Like mother, like daughter Read the following dialogue and try to guess the meaning of the idiom "like mother, like daughter...

Pit stop
Idiom: Pit stop Example 1: Our road trip to Las Vegas was great except for 1 thing. John kept drinking a ton of water and we had to make s...