A night on the town
Idiom: A night on the town Meaning: an evening when people go various places and enjoy different types of entertainment such as dancing in...

To line (someone or something) up
Idiom: To line (someone or something) up Example: Context #1 – Students are trying to plan a surprise party for their teacher Jeff: Next F...

(To have money) burn a hole in someone's pocket
Idiom: (T o have money) burn a hole in someone's pocket; used as a verb Example: When his mother gave the little boy his allowance, ...

Nest egg
Idiom: Nest egg Example: Laurie : I heard they’re having a party for you this Friday? Bob : Yep. I have been working here for 46 years, and...

To drop the ball
Idiom: To drop the ball Example: Last week, my wife received all of our monthly bills. She wrote the checks, put them in envelopes and ask...

Social butterfly
Idiom: Social butterfly Example "Julia is the most outgoing person I know. She has friends on all of the sports teams, school activiti...

Chasing rainbows
Idiom: Chasing rainbows Example 1: Sarah is so beautiful and talented! I sometimes dream about what life would be like if she were my girl...

The calm before the storm
Idiom: The calm before the storm Example 1: It was just before the department store was to open on "Black Friday ," the biggest...