To get busted
Idiom : "to get busted" Context #1: Fred: Hey, did you hear what happened to Joe? Chris: No, what happened? Fred: He got bust...

To be hot
Idiom: "to be hot" Context #1: James: Did you watch the basketball game last night? The Miami Heat won again. Tom: I know. Th...

To spread the word
Idiom: "To spread the word" Example: Mitsue runs to Hugo excitedly... Mitsue : Spread the word! The LSI beach party is coming s...

To be an eye-opener
Idiom: "to be an eye-opener" Example: Darryl and John are talking... Darryl: Did you know that the average household in Califo...
To scorch & to roast
Idiom: to scorch & to roast ; used as a verb Example: Carla : I just saw the news, and it's going to be 97 today! I don't w...
To sweat buckets & to sweat like a pig
Idiom: to sweat buckets & to sweat like a pig ; used as verbs Example: Harry : Wow, it's hot out! Jen : I know! I had to move some...

To Burn (Oneself) Out
Idiom: “to burn (oneself) out” Meaning: To become tired, exhausted and/or lose interest from doing something too much. Example #1: Charli...

To Get Worked Up
Idiom: “to get worked up” Meaning: To become worried or angry about something; to build up feelings of anticipation or anxiety about a situ...

To Be Swamped
Idiom: “to be swamped” Meaning: T o be overwhelmed with a great amount of work or obligations Example #1: Jackie: I’m so tired! I think I’...