To Be Out Of (Something)

To Be Out Of (Something)

To Be Out Of (Something) Context #1: Jimmy: Oh man! Mark: What's wrong? Jimmy: We're out of coffee! I'd better go to the store a...
To Skip Something

To Skip Something

To Skip Something Context #1: Tom: I am so hungry I think I'm going to pass out! Jane: It's only 10 am. What did you have for breakf...
To Make a Move

To Make a Move

"To Make a Move" Hey Susan, Last night I went to Fabricio's birthday party and you won't believe what happened! I was stan...
Set Your Sights High

Set Your Sights High

Idiom: to set __ sights (high/low) ; used as a verb First Example: Scott : What do you plan on doing after you graduate? Ernest : Well, my...


Examples: The traffic is bumper-to-bumper. I don't think I will be home in time for dinner.  The cars on the freeway are so close toge...
To Come Forward

To Come Forward

Example 1: No new witnesses have come forward with information to help police catch the people who stole the jewels from the museum. The au...